Office Shredding Service in Macclesfield

Office Shredding Service in MacclesfieldFor easy office shredding service in Macclesfield, call Doc Data. We offer many services levels and at least one will suit your office’s volume of shredding. Does your small office use a 7 year plan for shredding documents? It’s a good plan but we can make it better for you. Each year you electronically archive your business documents dated for the year seven years ago but you shred the paper documents. For some offices it takes all year because one employee or another does an hour of shredding when it’s convenient. Whenever they have an hour they unlock a file drawer, pull up the office sized shredder and methodically feed four or five sheets of sensitive documents at a time into the shredder

Add up an employee’s time spent shredding by their hourly rate and likely you will find that in Macclesfield, office shredding service is costing you dearly. Is that the wisest use of that employee? More importantly, do the paper files ever get left unattended, exposing your clients to the threat of identity theft? We at Doc Data can place a secure container in your office for the disposal of old paper documents. You can only put them in; no one can take them out. We pick up your secure locker and deliver it to our facility where the contents are deposited into our massive shredders. Our shredding and disposal facility is purposely built with surveillance technology for maximum security. Because your company is bound by law to secure sensitive data, we issue a certificate of destruction to you as proof of secure shredding and your compliance.

Why trust Data Doc for your office shredding service in Macclesfield? Our destruction service is compliant with British Standards and accredited. Our parent company, Elsa Recycling, is an established and well recognised name within the industry. All your paper documents are recycled into usable paper goods. We are members of the British Security Industry Association. Those are all good reasons for you to contact Data Doc and let us evaluate the shredding needs of your company. We pick up and deliver on a flexible schedule that meets your service needs. That may be just once for a large clear out or it may be monthly or yearly. The cost is reasonable but the peace of mind you receive in return is priceless.

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