Secure Shredding in Warrington

Secure Shredding in WarringtonYou may need secure shredding in Warrington as all businesses have confidential documents and legally need to dispose of them require. At Doc Data  we reduce the possibility of highly sensitive documents falling into the wrong hands or worse being stolen and used for criminal purposes. You have a legal obligation to protect your client’s private information, especially in light of the growing number of identity thefts, which can impact you financially and besmirch your hard won reputation and lead to clients no longer trusting your company’s security and professionalism.

In Warrington, secure shredding by Doc Data is an excellent way to have your sensitive documents destroyed. Doc Data are BS EN 15713 accredited which means that in Warrington your documents are placed into a securely locked container by your staff. This is then collected in the secure locked consoles by our uniformed security personnel and delivered to our state of the art secure shredding facility which is regulated on an on-going basis by external auditors. Your documents are shredded and then recycled. You are issued with a Certificate of Destruction as required by law.

Doc Data’s secure shredding in Warrington entails a complimentary data survey, after which we will advise you on the safest and most professional way to secure your documents for shredding.  We will arrange a convenient collection schedule which suits your business. All the shredded documents are then recycled and reused in various paper products and your company is helping to clean up the environment. Do not take the risk of using “fly-by-night” shredding companies, we guarantee you a secure and legal disposal of your important confidential documents. For more information about secure shredding, contact Doc Data.

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